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Dig. decoder pro
Jundac One
Jundac Two
Jundac Five
Juniclock Three
Preamp model 4
Wadia 1000 X64
Audio Resch CD7
CD Tentlabs
Marantz CD 94
Ampli CJ MV75

Gallery - Jundac Five
This product is available in kit. Go to Junilabs.com to order kit, or continue to technical description.

Jundac Five - 16bit non oversampling digital to analog converter
Go to Junilabs.com to order the kit.

Jundac Five - explain
Jundac Five - TDA1545A

Jundac Five - Regulators
Analog regulator.

Jundac Five - VREF

Jundac Five
In digital section, decoupling is sized for high frequency and low frequency.
The 2.2µF MKP at the top of the picture is used in +5V decoupling.

Jundac Five

Jundac Five - Damped capacitors
Details of damped capacitors.

This product is available in kit. Go to Junilabs.com to order kit, or continue to technical description.
